Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Skinny Legs, Belly Alcoholism

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"orange, much more than a restaurant in Seville" and entitled

laura Hojman its critical in

"Delicious tapas and beautiful decor that change every two months. Small concerts, themed dinners, performances ... This is the Orange restaurant. Find out in the Alameda.
From the outside, can not help but look at this pose local Rapporteur located across the street behind the Mall. décor that lives up to its name, our attention powerfully through this area with much history.
But if you get into it, understand that it is a restaurant use, a local design.
Orange is the work of Fabian Perez, an Argentinian who loves good food and wine. In its restaurant you can taste exquisite cuisine dishes like quail and crispy almond, Sichuan duck breast with pepper and mango in juice, cold green cream, gorgonzola ravioli and truffle oil or the signature dish, shrimp with orange. And all at an affordable price.
Orange But the restaurant has its own life, never rests on innovation, so every two months change the menu and decor of the room, yes, staying true to its spirit.
The decor is as important as the kitchen, and a nice atmosphere and helps a better tasting dishes.
Every so often you can meet in Orange with a small jazz concert, an evening of Portuguese fado or some performance issue with dinner included. This is because as I said at the beginning of the article, there is a restaurant use.
also has special discounts for students or lunch menus. An area accessible to all and that never disappoints.
Orange Discover the world Rapporteur on the street behind the Mall and near legendary bars like Habanilla or Central. There could be a better place for a restaurant so special.


when you were?


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